Friday, January 16, 2015

A Bit of a Mish Mash

Ok, where to start?  I have a lot of little things to share with you.  I think it is actually going to get above freezing for a few days.  Everything is a sheet of ice, and I really need to get down all the outside lights and roping.  I see a lot of people still have their's up, so I guess we are all in the same boat.

The main thing that has been taking most of my time is stitching on my reproduction sampler Elena Tratman.  It is coming along and should be finished in a couple of weeks.  But, what to do then?  I have no idea how to sell, market, whether to just have it available on my Facebook and blog, whether I can do that and also send some to shops.  I'm hoping that I can go to the Apple store and they can show my how to put this in  PDF or whatever you call it, so that it can be printed.  Need to take pictures, write up a blurb and instructions... so much to do and no idea how to do it!  Here is a picture of part of the main house.  I sure hope people like it and that it is a success..  I'm already trying to pick which of my samplers to try next.

Poor Manifesto hasn't seen much light of day lately.  I hope to get back to it soon.  So close and yet so far away!

In December, I received my advance copy of Judy Condon's new book, Country Homes and Gardens.  As usual, it is a great book and I am so honored to be included in it.  It is available now.

The credit card that I use is an Amazon card, as the points are used for Amazon purchases.  I always save them up for books, and recently added these two to my collection.  I always manage to have enough points to buy all the new needlework and rug books!

Scottish favorite!  Such a beauty on the inside cover!

Another great book from Kim Ivey on quilts, from Colonial Williamsburg.  Great eye candy!

A really nice antique store that has been in Tipp City for years closed down.  So sad.  I had to stop in the last day just to see what I might find.  Came home with these, my first antique stick sheep.  Very fragile, but adorable.  Love the little pink collars.

I realized that I don't own any belsnickles and would like to start a collection.  While browsing on shop, I came across this small set of Santas Through The Ages, made in Taiwan, but hand painted.  I bid $20 which I though was reasonable, but was sniped at the last minute.  By now I really WANT these little santas, so I looked on eBay, and, guess what, found the whole set of 6 in 
original boxes for $3.00  total plus $6.00 shipping buy-it-now!  Hooray!  Too bad I have to wait an entire year to display them.  They are not as washed-out looking as the photo.

Geesh, the computer froze up for a minute and I thought this was all going to disappear!  Too many photos?  Better post now.  Melinda


  1. Love those sheep! Set up a separate page on your blog for the chart(s). Go to Paypal and become a premier member (free). You can then add a Buy it Now button to your page and all purchases go directly to Paypal! You will get a notice of the sale with the buyer's address and you can even print shipping labels. If you want to try this, I will note the steps for you.

  2. I can't wait to see the sampler all finished. Best of luck to you in this new venture! The little sheep are wonderful.

  3. Evening Melinda, loving those stick sheep, great buy. Waiting to see the sampler finished, your work is always wonderful. Like the Santa's too, nice start to collection. Blessings Francine.

  4. I love those sheep. You do incredible cross stich and must say that I do not have the patience for such small detail.

  5. Fun post! Good luck with your reproduction sampler. I would have no clue how to go about it all either. What about emailing other designers about how to go about it? Just a thought.

  6. Love the sampler - Manifesto will be the better for waiting until you can give her your full attention. I vow you are not a murderess, Melinda,
    but you sure made a killing on the santas.....Good luck on your design

  7. Oh those sheep with pink collars are wonderful! And your sampler will be amazing. Can't wait to see the finished product. Manifesto - yours looks fabulous. I don't think I would have the patience for that one....

  8. Hi Melinda,
    You do such beautiful work and I so admire your talent!! I cross stitched years ago but fear I have forgotten everything I learned and would truly love to take a class to do old samplers! I too love Judy Condon books and really want this new one!!
    Your two sheep are wonderful!! I have 3 and would love to find more but it is hard in CA to find them!! Love yours!
    Hope you can find some help with your questions!
    Warm Blessings~

  9. Melinda,
    Your sampler is coming along nicely. Good luck promoting it! Lots of hard work, I'm sure.
    I normally don't buy the JC books, but I will need to buy this one. Can't wait to see your home in print. I know how wonderful it is in person.
    I just love your little putz sheep. They are so much fun to find, but rather pricey.
    We are above freezing today. Yeah. Don't feel bad about your outside decorations. I was out last night and you would not believe how many houses were still lit up ~ and I'm talking some pretty upscale areas.
    Hugs :)

  10. Hi Melinda, I just read your interview with Marsha SL and enjoyed it and the tour of your beautiful samplers and house and punch needles, etc. I wrote down your way of stitching and am going to see if I can catch on quickly so that I can use it on the sampler I'm ready to start. I enjoyed this blog post....your blog has always been one of my favorite :) I been giving it a lot of thought and maybe I should just come live with you lol. What a joy to have so much beauty around all the time. Anyway, just had to tell you my favorite thing of all was one of the last things you said...I won't do queen stitches. Finally, someone agrees with me. I love it. thanks and hugs. I want to see about that magazine/book and can't wait to see your reproduction sampler done.

  11. What a fun post! I love those sheep!

  12. What an honor to be featured in Judy's book. We still have our outside lights up too. Janice

  13. That sampler is just gorgeous and I'll be buying one when it's done so keep me in mind! The process of creating a chart does seem daunting. Have you chatted with Ellen Chester perhaps about how she does hers? Also, I read your interview and just loved reading more about you and your samplers. The way you stitch is very interesting to me and I would have to see how you do it so that you can stitch a 100! I want to stitch a 100 too but am working on only my 3rd and 4th which seem to be taking an age - Sarah Chapple and JCS. Hugs to you!

  14. congratulations on your inclusion in that new book Melinda ! I'm sure it is a beauty. Great job snagging those Belsnickle Santas. I bet you are spinning up a frenzy trying to get everything lined up to launch your first repro sampler. Good luck with all that. I just got back from rug camp and I have to say the weather was just lovely for all that people who came from different areas of the country to enjoy the FL sunshine and warmth. Take care Mel

  15. Love seeing more of the repro sampler you are doing. Love all the pink in it! :) Have a great weekend!

  16. Oh how wonderful to be in one of Judy's books...a huge CONGRATULATIONS!
    I didn't realize Amazon had a credit card - I thought only 'gift cards' as I have one right now that's almost used up. Getting points would be awesome = I buy soooo many books from Amazon.
    What a great deal on getting those Santa's - they were meant to be yours no matter how you got them.
