Sunday, November 9, 2014

Battening down the hatches..

Hello, As you can see I have changed the header picture back to winter.  This photo is from last winter.  I finished up the remainder of the leaves today, as a "polar express" is supposed to arrive around mid-week with plunging temperatures.  The gardens are put to bed, the electric horse buckets are installed, extra insulation is up in the barn to protect from the cold, and the horses are enjoying what is probably their last few days in the pasture.

I have finished a hooked rug, well, almost finished, except for the binding.  It is a pattern called Antique Dog and Cat by Maria Barton of Star Rug Company.  I purchased it from her a couple of years ago when she was here in Tipp City for a workshop with Ali Strebel.  I really like how it turned out, with the exception of the doggie ear.  Sort of looks like he's missing a big chunk of his head!  The last photo shows the wonderful hand-dyed yarn from Ali Strebel that I will use for whipping the edges.  It isn't this bright, the flash went off.

My rugs always turn out kind of half-hazard looking.  I can't color plan for the life of me.  I just grab some wools and a lot of worms and start in.  This way does give it the look of "making do".

I have also tried my hand at making some fabric covered boxes.  It is harder using fabric than wallpaper, but old wallpaper is nearly impossible to find and the selection of reproduction fabrics is incredible.

Here are the five "kittens" plus Smokey ( the grey one) playing with the laser pointer.  Sometimes I think I spend most of my time cleaning up after animals :)  In the front on the footstool is another rug hooked from Maria Barton's pattern.

And here is Oliver cuddling on a heated pad with yet another cat...Ginger.

If you are expecting the cold weather where you live ...stay warm and safe!


  1. Oh no Melinda. I haven't been paying attention to the weather reports and am sorry to hear this! I guess we'll be gettng some of it too. Rugs and kit kats are adorable. When can we get a glimpse of Manifesto?

  2. Good to see you are getting ready for winter! Your hooked rug is very lovely. Please give the kitty cats a hug for me.

  3. The Evening, yup, we must batten down the hatches soon, winter is a our hooked rugs are beautiful, nice work. Always enjoy your sweet kitty's.Blessings Francine.

  4. Love your hooked rugs Melinda!!!
    Cold is starting on Wednesday here.....BRrrr.
    Trying to get my windows washed today.

  5. Awww, look at those sweet faces:) Yes, lots of cleaning but it is nice to have a fur ball to cuddle with on the couch in the evenings, especially with that arctic blast coming in. I have my hands full with three. How do you do it?

  6. Hope you aren't expecting any bad weather with the cold. I feel like it's way too early for this weather, don't you? Sigh. Love your rug finish! You can't tell from the rug that you don't color plan. It's gorgeous! Love the pics of the fur babies too!

  7. Yes Melinda the cold is coming here too. Did my grocery shopping so I won't have to go out. Love your rugs and of course your kitties. Have you been doing any stitching lately?

  8. Melinda,
    Oh, how I wish I did not color plan and have my rugs come out looking like yours. Yours are always so wonderful and old looking!!!
    Love the pic of Oliver and Ginger. They are quite the pair.
    Stay warm!
    Hugs :)

  9. Beautiful rug hooking Melinda! I adore that last photo...Ginger reminds me of our dear Lucy who passed away some years ago. What a pretty kitty!
