Sunday, May 11, 2014

Gardening and Outdoors Chores

Ok, so I know I have been missing in action for a while.  I have been so busy with the outside work that I haven't even been able to keep up with my blogging friends!  Although there is still much to do, I at least feel that I now have it under control.   I hope you all have had a happy Mothers Day... I spent most of the afternoon mowing grass, before the rain came in.  Now don't think "that poor girl, has to mow on Mother's Day" because, as I probably mentioned last year, I love it!!  Back and forth, back and forth on my John Deere, it is so peaceful, although bumpy, and I love the results when I am finished!

Here are so pictures.  First, then is how the back looked last summer when we took out the pool.  Major mess, I could have grown a pokeberry farm!:)
Here it is now.  There are steps going down, pathways of gravel and bricks that Evan brought home when they dug up the old Tipp City streets, trees, lots of bushes, flowers, hydrangeas, retaining walls, etc.  The emphasis on the plantings was things that benefit birds.
That is what we refer to as the "bottom barn",  used only for hay storage.

Another spring project was this little mini stone wall, with a bench that I can watch the horses from.

Last fall, the neighbors cut down an enormous antique basswood tree that had probably been here several hundred years.  It was hollow, and I rolled a chunk of it across the street, made a planter, and filled it with tulip bulbs last fall. When these are shot, I'll replace them with annuals.
By the side entrance, old wheel, standing sifter to become a planter,  hostaa and tulips.
Aww, little Bella.

Hugs to all


  1. Melinda your yard turned out so pretty where you had the pool removed.
    You have been very busy.
    I love to mow too.
    Have a great week.

  2. Your garden makeover is amazing! A little private peaceful. Looks like Bella is plum tuckered out. ;)

  3. Wow, what beautiful work. I just love the pictures of your house and gardens.

  4. Your yard is just beautiful. It should be in one of those before and after magazines.

  5. Gorgeous....simple gorgeous! great ideas and very creative. Love the plantings.

  6. Your gardens are gorgeous! I can hardly believe the pool area is the same place! So much work and planting in such a short time! I'm right along with you about cutting the grass! Right now it's small property with a push mower for me... but, I do dream of the acreage with a riding mower (some day)! :-)

  7. Oh my! You have really been working on your landscaping! So beautiful! Love how you used that hollow tree stump for your flowers! Great pic of Bella. So cute!

  8. So. Did you study landscape design?? What a fabulous layout! I think we need more tours!

  9. Such a gorgeous yard you have Melinda. The stump looks so pretty with flowers planted in it, Blessings Francine.

  10. Just beautiful. What an awesome job you did with the pool area! Looks so calming and serene... a great place to sit, relax and unwind!!

  11. Melinda,
    Your yard is breathtaking. I look forward to seeing it in person.
    Bella ~ what a little sweetie.
    Hugs :)

  12. Your yard is breathtaking. Love ut all! Janice

  13. Melinda, your garden is stunning! So beautiful.

  14. What a delightful home and yard you have and it got to look that way with a LOT of sweat and hard work. Thanks for sharing, it is lovely.
