Thursday, October 31, 2019

Leaves, leaves, blow away please

I thought I'd share a few pictures of fall on the farm.  

 This is actually the gate to the side porch of the house, but
it is the only entrance that is used.  That is sweet autumn clematis
trailing over the fence and gate.

Maples around the barn .  That is an original bank barn with old
hand hewed beams, the Merry Wind Farm sign is exposed to the weather
from the west and has seen it's better days.

A few pumpkins and free hedge apples, and that's about the
extent of my decorating.  
All of the pretty fall color was spoiled by the heavy rains the 
past few days, and now we are having wicked winds, so I hope 
all the leaves just blow away!



  1. Your farm looks so wonderful to me. I miss seeing such mid west beauty out here. We have our own kind but not at all like that part of the country. My sister lives near Cincinnati and she told me about the weather you have been having! Now, I don't miss that.

  2. Your farm is beautiful. The trees are so pretty. It seems we are all having the same weather -- it's rainy and windy here tonight. I think all the leaves have blown off the trees with the wind.

  3. It's close to midnight and we are still howling here. Was not expecting this! The back yard leaves have blown away, my two neighbor's yards are now clean too. They are all in my front yard a foot deep. I think we've seen the last of warm fall days. Doesn't matter the season, your view and property is heaven on earth.

  4. Beautiful Fall pics!
    Our Fall beauty was replaced by inches of snow yesterday.
    It's very early this year.

  5. Hi Melinda,
    Your farm is just beautiful and I love those hedge apples on your porch! Your red barn is WONDERFUL, too!!!
    Take care and enjoy your weekend!
    Heart Hugs~
    Julie xo

  6. I love rustic and natural decorating - your Merry Wind Farm is perfectly beautiful !

  7. So lovely! What a wonderful place to live.

  8. How nice. You really have a lovely place. Love those maples!

  9. so glad you showed those pretty photos of fall at the farm before the rain beat off the colorful leaves. Hope things are going pretty well for you. Its time to get out my little bread board PS Santa I got from you several years ago - it's something I treasure along with the little prim chest which I use to keep overdyed threads in. Mel
